Black Children Everywhere Can Now Channel Halle Bailey’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ Look, Thanks to Janie and Jack

Black Children Everywhere Can Now Channel Halle Bailey’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ Look, Thanks to Janie and Jack

In celebration of the live-action film The Little Mermaid, starring EBONY’s May 2023 cover star Halle Bailey, the childrenswear label Janie and Jack designed a limited-edition kid’s collection with Disney. The collection features ruffled dresses that shimmer like the sea,…

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Op-Ed: A New Ariel Inspires Joy for a Fresh Generation of Young Black Girls

Since 1937 and the introduction of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Disney princesses have set a particular standard about the way that women, especially American women, should show up in the world. Although many appreciated the daintiness shown on-screen…

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