Frankly, the American healthcare system is challenging to navigate. From the skyrocketing prices of medications to opaque processes and medical jargon, it’s no wonder that so many Americans struggle to take control of their health. But it isn’t all doom and gloom. Managing your healthcare rituals, whether it’s accessing affordable medication for an existing condition or finding practical diet and lifestyle tips for maintenance and prevention, has been made a lot easier thanks to GoodRx.
“GoodRx is a great blend of healthcare resources,” says Dr. Karla Robinson, medical editor at GoodRx. “It’s a one stop shop where people can find discounts on the prescriptions they need, and we offer an array of information on GoodRx Health that people can access about conditions and medications to gain a better understanding of what’s going on with their health.”
Founded more than a decade ago, GoodRx works with medical experts, like Dr. Robinson, to accomplish an ambitious goal: increase healthcare affordability and accessibility for the masses. To do this, GoodRx’s medical experts are attuned to the specific needs of groups that are often overlooked by our medical system. For example, the challenges Black Americans face when it comes to receiving treatment for diseases and disparities in accessing resources aren’t a secret, but few companies have created resources to help combat them. GoodRx is committed to supporting historically marginalized communities with these challenges and being a part of good change.
Cardiovascular disease, for example, is one of the biggest health issues in the Black community. “Close to 50% of Black adults have high blood pressure, which we know is a huge risk factor for heart disease,” says Dr. Robinson. “In addition, a recent report from GoodRx Research found that more than 16.8 million Black Americans are living in counties with limited or no cardiology specialists, and over two million Black Americans live in counties with no cardiologist resources at all. These ‘cardiology deserts’ show the disparities Black Americans face in this country. So, one of the things we do at GoodRx is provide information specific to the community so that they understand this is something that needs to be addressed, have the tools to understand how to address it, and are empowered to have the necessary conversations with their primary health care providers.”
To provide life-saving information and resources to the Black community, Dr. Robinson leads a team of experts who compile the Black Health and Wellness Center on GoodRx Health, where they curate statistics, facts, and tips about healthcare specifically for Black Americans. “We talk about everything from conditions that more commonly affect the Black community to huge health disparities,” she says. “We talk about inequities, infant mortality, and the best health medications for certain conditions. We talk about hair care, skin care. We leave no stone unturned.”
According to Dr. Robinson, information is transformative but isn’t enough. Accessing affordable medication is a recurring concern for many, regardless of the health issue. Cost impacts everyone, particularly those with expensive prescriptions or multiple diagnoses. “We must understand that very real financial barriers exist,” she adds. That’s why helping consumers find and access cost-effective prescriptions continues to be one of GoodRx’s primary services.” The logic is simple. “If you’re able to afford it, you’re more likely to take it,” says Dr. Robinson, who believes lower drug costs are one of the best ways to prevent larger health issues. “It allows you to be more adherent to your prescriptions and manage conditions more effectively.”
Improving health outcomes in the Black community is a huge undertaking that requires investment from many stakeholders. Access, particularly to education, resources, and medication, will be key to making a difference and GoodRx is helping in each of these areas. GoodRx allows users to find medication they can afford through its marketplace, saving consumers as much as 80% on their prescription medications; research health conditions and health tips through GoodRx Health; and access affordable visits with healthcare professionals through GoodRx Care. In these ways, GoodRx is doing its part to help to create a more equitable healthcare system, and that is exactly what the doctor ordered.
Find out more about GoodRx.