13 Simple Ways to Boost Your Mental Well-being

Now that we’re officially a few months into the new year, what better time to check in on your resolutions? Whether you’re looking to ease your stress, improve your love life, or just carve out time for yourself, we’ve called on the experts to help you kickstart and maintain good habits. Let this guide be a resource to help you feel your absolute best—this year and beyond.

Start Your Day With Intention

Nutritionist Coach Gessie and media personality Angela Yee—co-hosts of the new health/wellness podcast Detox Living—say updating your morning routine with simple steps will quiet and focus your spirit, sharpen your mental clarity, boost your energy, help you to feel fuller, reduce your cravings, and power your digestive system and overall health.

They suggest jumpstarting the morning with an unsweetened ginger tea in the morning. Ginger is a superfood that can lower blood sugar and lower risk of heart disease and contains Gingerol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea and antioxidant medicinal properties. Or, try a DeTox Protein Bowl as your first meal of the day. This delicious mineral- and vitamin-packed protein bowl can be prepared hot or cold and consumed with a variety of fresh fruits.

    Ginger Tea Recipe
    • Pour 4 cups of distilled water into a pot.
    • Peel and thinly slice 2 inches of organic ginger root, or use 1 tablespoon of organic ginger powder in a tea filter bag.
    • Boil the ginger in the distilled water on medium for 10 minutes. For a stronger and tangier tea, boil for 20 minutes.
    • Remove the pot from the heat, strain, and drink pure. If desired, add organic lemon or turmeric with a pinch of cayenne pepper to boost the immunity and anti-inflammatory properties.
    DeTox Protein Bowl Recipe
    • Cut a cantaloupe or honeydew in half and scoop out the seeds. Put the other half in the fridge (or share it with someone you love).
    • Using the cantaloupe like a bowl, fill it with 1/4 cup of organic hemp seeds and organic raw pumpkin seeds.
    • Add a handful of organic black currant or black/golden mulberries (use mulberries if you’re anemic and need to boost your iron and increase your hemoglobin/blood count)
    • Top it off with plant-based milk (oat, almond, or coconut milk)

    Own Your Energy

    Get your mindset in order. Do not let negative people or thoughts affect you. Dr. Markesha Miller, a licensed psycho-therapist based in Columbia, South Carolina, shares tips to help steer your energy in a positive direction. 

    Have an intentional plan for the remainder of the year

    What do you need more of this year? What do you need less of? For some people it may be more time for me, less time focused on things that I can not change. Intentional plans allow us to focus directly on the direction that we aim for our lives.

    Practice positive affirmations daily

    What we tell ourselves, we begin to believe. If we feed ourselves with positivity to begin our day, it helps to guide us through daily activities and interactions and ultimately reminds us to stay in our good vibes-only zone. 

    Be a good steward of your energy

    Make sure that the people, things, and activities that you allow yourself to be a part of are serving good energy and are beneficial to your overall wellness. We can not allow our energy to be consumed by everyone or everything.

    Go to therapy

    As we are moving away from the stigma that is attached to mental health, go to therapy so that you can really stay calm and carry on to make this your year. Therapy is a wonderful opportunity to process, gain better insight, define yourself, and sometimes to heal in areas that maybe you didn’t realize were damaged.

      Improve Your Relationships 

      Tennesha Wood, a dating coach and matchmaker, is the star of the hit show #Blacklove, where viewers watched her navigate a new relationship. Wood launched The Broom List, a matchmaking firm dedicated to pairing educated, marriage-minded, Black professionals. Inspired by the tradition of “jumping the broom,” The Broom List was formed in celebration of Black love and those that were ready to commit to the union of marriage, encourage honesty, and also to directly combat some harsh realities. Here she shares advice on how to build a healthy relationship.

      Set healthy boundaries

      Saying no is healthy and necessary; aiming to please everyone while ignoring your own needs will create resentment. Be authentic and show up as yourself. If you are required to be someone else to fit in, you’re in the wrong room.

      Honor your friendships and be intentional about giving time and attention to them

      Just like romantic relationships, strong friendships require putting in the work. Communication is key. Don’t say “I’m good” when you’re not. It’s okay to not be okay. You get better by being honest with yourself and asking for the support you need.

      Stay open to the possibilities

      Be clear about your goals but stay open; the right partner can look different than you pictured. Focus on how it feels, not what it looks like. There’s no one place to meet the one; be open to the fact that it could happen anytime or anywhere.

      Be vulnerable

      This is the space where a true partnership can happen. Being vulnerable is a signal to potential partners that you’re confident and in touch with your feelings and emotions. Vulnerability also gives others the space and comfort to openly express themselves.

        Prevent Burnout

        Dr. Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PhD, LCMHC, is an entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker. She began her latest business, Wellness in Real Life (WIRL), after a battle with burnout encouraged her to help other health professionals cope with their high-stress careers. Here are her 3 tips to keep stress at bay.

        Have a minute away, throughout the day

        If you feel that your day is taking the wrong turn or that your stress levels are reaching their top levels, take a break for 10-15 minutes. Make sure you leave everything behind. Look for a place that makes you feel peaceful. It could be near a pond, next to some flowers, or under a tree. What do you need to do there? Simply something that brings joy to your heart. Sing, dance, meditate, read, have a juice, eat something you really like. This short break will help you rejuvenate and relax.

        Get up and walk for a few minutes

        While many believe that moving around when you are tired may use up the rest of your energy, the truth is different. According to the California State University, having a short walk around your workplace may act as an energy booster that could last up to two hours. No need to be very creative with it. Just get up and have a ten minute power brisk walk. Make sure you keep your eyes forward, your shoulders to the back, and your head upright. Bend your arms at about a 90 degrees angle and swing them gently.

        You do not need to plan mindfulness

        Did you know that every single time you sit down and have a snack or meal in a calm environment, alone, you are exercising mindfulness. According to a report from Oxford University, focusing on the food in front of you,chewing it slowly and thoroughly while focusing on the task at hand—eating, can help you build an inner strength that will ease the impact of future stressors.

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