King Von YouTube Video Titled ‘Rap’s First Serial Killer’ Removed

King Von YouTube Video Titled ‘Rap’s First Serial Killer’ Removed

A King Von YouTube documentary video that calls the Chicago rapper “Rap’s First Serial Killer” has been removed from YouTube.

On Sunday (April 9), U.K. filmmaker Trap Lore Ross jumped on his Twitter account to share that the documentary video he made, King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer, was taken down from his YouTube channel. However, the documentarian referred his followers to his Patreon account if they wanted to watch the film.

“Video got taken down. Hopefully I can get it back soon, working with YouTube now but it’s Easter weekend. Still on Patreon if you’re desperate,” the self-proclaimed “British Drillologist” and “Hip-Hop Historian” tweeted.

According to reports, the nearly four-hour video chronicles the late Chicago rapper‘s alleged 10 homicides he committed. Trap Lore Ross is a YouTuber with nearly 1 million subscribers on his channel. He typically creates videos on gang and drill culture in various cities and countries around the world.

King Von was tragically killed on on Nov. 7, 2020 in Atlanta. The incident took place at the Monaco Hookah Lounge in downtown ATL following a fight between Von’s crew and another group of individuals that included the alleged shooter Timothy Leeks (aka Lul Tim) and rapper Quando Rondo. Von was one of six people shot during the incident in which one other person was also killed. The homicide case remains unsolved.

The King Von YouTube video has generated mixed reactions from fans on social media, including one Reddit user who slammed Trap Lore Ross for spreading false information in the film.

“u/traploreross, Firstly you said because von loves eating cereals thats his way of saying he is a serial killer, i think it’s clear af that you are trying to push a narrative about von, you did some research but at the same time you didn’t do enough, you accused von of killing james in december 2012 but von got arrested november 2012 and was locked up throughout december and the whole of 2013. that’s error number one,” the Reddit user begins.

They continue: “King doc is already confirmed that he was killed by lamron, that’s error number two. You showed 0 evidence of von having something to do with dirty rell your evidence for this was from “reddit” that’s error number 3. Von had nothing to do with mannmann death he was in atlanta when this went down and you said your evidence for this is him laughing on ig live that an opp is dead and his song problems which is false, von barely had money by this time crazy story wasn’t even out, he was still with durk, with your mannmann theory i guess von is connected to all the murders that oblock did from december 2017 to november 2020, that’s error number 4. Tyriq is another body that people in reddit made up even tyriq cousin said von had nothing to do with it, error number 5. We all know drose or a thf member killed lil marc i won’t even go into details, error number 6.

you got p5, Ki and modell. The rest of the bodies you are accusing him of are speculated but still you chose to use “rap’s first serial killer” as the title and went ahead to compare a gang banger to jeffery dahmer. Von was not convicted of any murder when he was alive, so as far as i am concerned he is innocent, i know some of you will say he was listed as KI’s murderer, von was arrested for this and released and the case was closed since 2014 due to lack of evidence if the police didn’t have evidence that says it all.

stop spreading false information on a dead man and get your shit together you are becoming like hip-hop daily which is embarrassing.”

“Ain’t gona lie I’ve just watched like 10mins of this documentary, and man o man.. The amount of effort that went into this is INSANE…@traploreross,” tweeted one person.

“This is a very well done video @TrapLoreRoss,” wrote another viewer.

“Video taken down like I said ..Any other bloggers wanna defame his character?” tweeted another person who’s not happy about Trap Lore Ross’ video.

There’s no word if YouTube will reinstate Trap Lore Ross’ video.

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