T.I. Brings Police Paperwork to Restaurant, Calls Out Boosie

T.I. Brings Police Paperwork to Restaurant, Calls Out Boosie

T.I. wants people to know he’s no snitch and he has the alleged paperwork to prove it.

On Friday night (Feb. 24), Tip showed up at his Trap City Cafe in Atlanta with paperwork presumed to be police documents that prove he didn’t cooperate with authorities in one of his legal cases.

“I got some paperwork to show them,” T.I. says in the video captured of his appearance below. “And when you leave up out this muthafucka, please let a muthafucka know that the paperwork was present. And if they wasn’t here, they shouldn’t be saying a muthafuckin’ thing about the king.”

“I’ve been waiting on one special invited guest and he ain’t showed up yet,” T.I. continued. “But it was somebody that had something to say about me and had to question my disposition in some of my cases. But he ain’t here to see my paperwork. I just don’t like for a nigga to get fly then get shy. I’m right here in the center. So, come on if you got something to say about me. If you think it is what it aint, it ain’t but one way to clear it up. Pull on up, let me show you what you lookin’ for. I wanna see who wanna see.”

T.I. later made it clear who his “special invited guest” was. In the comment section of a post Boosie BadAzz shared on Instagram showing him at an Atlanta Hawks game, Tip called Boosie out.

“Say boy u posed to be up here at [Trap City Cafe] checking the paper work and straightening your face or else you flaw…according to the convict law,” T.I. wrote.

Boosie replied to the comment, “I text U.”

Boosie opened a can of worms when he called T.I. a rat during a recent VladTV interview when discussing Tip telling a story about snitching on his dead cousin in a podcast interview from 2020. Boosie also said he scrapped their joint album due to backlash over Tip’s comments. It doesn’t help that there’s been lingering rumors that T.I. cooperated in order to get a light sentence in his 2007 gun case. The Atlanta rapper has been on a mission to clear his name. T.I. initially called Boosie out in a lengthy Instagram response for not speaking to him before making claims on VladTV. T.I. later admitted the whole snitching on his cousin story was fake and taken out of context.

See T.I. Flaunting His Alleged Police Paperwork and Calling Out Boosie Below

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