Master P & Son Romeo Miller Make Peace Following Vicious Public Feud

Master P & Son Romeo Miller Make Peace Following Vicious Public Feud

Master P and his eldest son, Romeo Miller, have made peace following a vicious public feud. The two shared matching photos to their respective Instagram accounts on Saturday (December 31) explaining they’d had a long, fruitful conversation that resulted in a truce.

“In order to be used, you have to be willing to be misunderstood and humiliated sometimes,” Miller wrote in the caption. “Noah was mocked for building the boat, Jairus showed us that sometimes we have to be willing to walk through the dead places so that God could show us how he can use every situation. No one ever thought little David could defeat the giant, and we all know the mistreatment of Jesus. My point, I’m willing to fall on my sword for mines!

“It was never about parent vs child, or this false narrative or that, it was about doing whatever had to be done for the growth of my family. Today, December 31, me and my father @masterp had very hard conversations; ironically outside in the rain. In order for any generation to grow, that communication has to be had and reciprocated on both sides. The good, the bad, and the ugly. No matter the journey ahead, our family can truly begin to heal and I believe many others will use our story as an example to learn from. What a way to close the year! Vivre (live) l’amour (love) et pardonner (forgive).”

He ended his post with the hashtag #ForTyTy,” a nod to his little sister Tytyana Miller who died of a drug overdose earlier this year.

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Master P appeared relived he and Romeo Miller were finally able to move forward with more clarity. As he wrote in his caption, “Happy New Years 2023 is all about ‘forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.. Pressing toward the Goal.’ Philippians 3:13. As a parent, I’m growing, taking self-accountability and educating my family and the next generation. Love takes growth and forgiveness. Seek God first, and everything else will fall into place. @romeomiller and to all of my kids We All We Got!”

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Master P and Romeo Miller indicated they were having problems earlier this month. On December 18, the No Limit boss admitted he hadn’t spoken to his son in months in a since-deleted Instagram post.

“I wouldn’t wish this on no parent, especially when you try to do everything you can for your kids,” he wrote at the time. “@romeomiller What’s the plan? You are either part of the problem or the solution. I love you and the door is always open for you but I won’t tolerate disrespect. I haven’t talked to you or seen you in months. God knows I’ve tried to do my best.”

Miller fired back with numerous social media posts, suggesting Master P has had a habit of lying to him. He wrote: “This year I will get my first Rap Snacks check and finally start receiving my earnings from my bags. I was told as kid that we owned Rap Snacks, and that my payday would come after put in work and sold company, silly me! I promoted a company for free for 15+ years based on the word of my pops, without being allowed to see any contracts or even meet with the team, and I stayed loyal … but I’m entitled and ungrateful now?”

Master P later accused Miller of treating him like an “ATM machine” as the fight dragged on. For now, it seems the two are back in each other’s good graces and ready to conquer 2023 as a family unit.

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