Grateful Dead
Taking Heat for ‘Idaho Is Dead’ Shirts
… Really Bad Timing
12/19/2022 8:35 AM PT
The Grateful Dead has become the target of a lot of criticism after many are calling out the poor timing of the band’s recently released “Idaho is Dead” shirts in light of the 4 college students murdered in the state.
The band just posted new shirts on their official IG account. The caption read, “Check out the new Idaho United States Of Dead T-Shirt with artwork designed by Available now at!”
As you might imagine, some folks immediately called out GD for being insensitive … pointing to the fact that 4 college students from the University of Idaho were brutally murdered at an off-campus house, last month. Of course, that case remains unsolved.
One user wrote, “With the recent Idaho tragedy the first shirt is totally insensitive” … another said, “Weird timing of a play on words considering the idiho4 😢🥺”.
Grateful dead is selling similar shirts for other respective states on their website. For example, they are already selling “California Dead” shirts on their site.
So, It seems as though it may have been an innocent mistake … considering the artist who they credit with designing the shirts is from Boise, Idaho. Nonetheless, people are still letting them have it.