Philadelphia Eagles v Detroit Lions

Source: Rey Del Rio / Getty

Halloween might be long gon but ’tis the season for trickin’ and cheatin’!

Listen, this time of year there is a lot going on, people are traveling, the roads are packed and sometimes you just want to get wherever the hell you gotta go in a timely manner without staring at brake lights for hours. Such levels of desperation have been known to lead people to take certain…liberties when it comes to the HOV lanes on the highway. Those liberties are liable to get you yanked by the constable with the flashing cherries atop their cars.

According to TMZ, an Arizona woman who is clearly in the holiday spirit (or not depending on how you look at it) added a creative flair to her liberties and got herself into some mildly warm water. The Arizona Department of Public Safety tweeted out the following pun-filled photograph yesterday afternoon…

Apparently, she thought that no one would catch on to her not-so-subtle subterfuge but she was as mistaken as the Grinch was about the resiliency of the people of Whoville.  The department followed up the funny faux pas saying:

While we appreciate the festive flair, this is illegal & the driver received a citation for the HOV violation. With extra traffic on AZ roads this time of year, be sure you understand the law (ARS 28-737) & restricted times before using HOV lanes. Don’t get caught with a #Grinch!

Nice try. Better luck next time.