B4 BBL: 5 Facts You Should Know Before Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

B4 BBL: 5 Facts You Should Know Before Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

B4 BBL: 5 Facts You Should Know Before Getting A Brazilian Butt Lift

Source: FG Trade / Getty

Since the days when Jenny was flexing on the block and Juvenile encouraged ladies everywhere to “back that azz up,” America has been in an obsessive relationship with the idea of a robust derrière.

In 2022, that “cake craving” has only become more of a national guilty pleasure, with an on-trend surgery known as the Brazilian Butt Lift — BBL for short! — topping the wish lists of many women and femme-identifying individuals this holiday season. BBLs spiked in popularity even more over the weekend following the release of R&B/pop sensation SZA’s sophomore album, SOS.

The reason? Oh nothing — she just revealed that her form-fitting figure, particularly her made-for-Magic-City lower region, was in fact the product of a doctor’s visit.

On the standout title track, SZA croons in one line, “Remind you of Dеlla Reese / So classic, that ass so fat, it look natural, it’s not / I talk bullshit a lot / No more fuck-shit, I’m done,” putting an end to years of rumors while also giving a one-up to the body positive hive out there.

RELATED: NeNe Leakes Shares Her Brazilian Butt Lift Journey On Instagram

It goes without saying that celebrities can be very influential, especially a GRAMMY-winning vocalist with the physical appeal of SZA. With that in mind, we believe there’s a good chance many out there will find the coincidence to pursue getting a BBL themselves. While we absolutely approve of any person’s right to make sane and consensual alterations to their body, there’s a lot worth knowing before going under the knife and putting a foreign substance in your body for sheer vanity reasons. In short, inspect before you inject!

We’re here to start you off with five of the most important facts worth knowing when it comes to Brazilian Butt Lifts, which we hope will spark your BBL curiosity to explore deeper on your own for more key facts. Stay sexy out here, but also stay safe in the process:

1. Always Go To A REAL Doctor

Aesthetician doing a beauty treatment on a customer at a spa


One of the biggest mistakes made when it comes to BBL surgery is by those who try and cut the cost of a very expensive  procedure — it can run you anywhere from $2,000 to 12,000 and up depending on where you go! Never go to an unlicensed person for any medical surgery, especially when it involves you being both unconscious and cut into with a knife. Many have died trying to get a BBL for cheap. 

2. Tummy Tucks and BBLs Do NOT Mix

Aesthetician applying a cream to do a beauty treatment


Some feel the need to do the all-at-once approach and get their whole body done in one doctor visit. Not a good idea for the tummy tuckers of the world! BBLs require you to lay on your back when healing, meanwhile tummy tucks require you to lay on your stomach to heal. See the opposing forces working here? Take our advice and just take it slow, shorty.

3. Invest In A Boppy Pillow

Blank black travel pillow mockup, front and back view


These are a given, but you’ll definitely need some sort of cushion if your plan isn’t to stand up for weeks while your BBL heals properly. Might we suggest memory foam?

4. BBLs Are A Two-In-One Surgery

Medical syringe in doctor hand on black isolated background. Health care and medicine idea on black background


You’d be surprised how many aren’t aware of where the extra “plump” is coming from. A BBL is part liposuction, part augmentation; fat is literally sucked out of one part of the body and placed in the gluteal area. Be prepared for both!

5. Take PTO!

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No need in losing the job that help you afford the surgery because you forgot to take the six weeks needed to fully heal. Ignore this in the event that a baller paid for this for you — clearly you don’t have the same struggles as the rest of us, queen!

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