BOSSIP Weekly Horoscopes: Week Of September 18

BOSSIP Weekly Horoscopes: Week Of September 18

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It’s a new week and we’re back with a brand new set of horoscopes to help you plan for the week ahead by checking what the stars have in store!

Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Here’s another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.

Astro Overview:

The planets are pretty much still stationed as they were last week. Venus in Virgo and darn near everything else retrograding. Which means this is a great time to return to previously unfinished projects or even relationships that you feel need a second wind.

Take note that on the 22nd the Sun enters Libra and brings with it a need to compromise, find harmony and balance and to beautify yourself or your home.

Alrighty let’s see what the cards have in store for your sign this week. As always read not only your Sun sign but all of your major placements: Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter.

Here’s what’s in store for the signs this week!

Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


For those of you who have been hiding in your own shadow, this week allow yourself to be bold. Tap in with daily meditation and ask yourself/inner child what would truly make you happiest at this time. Following those inner callings even if they seem ridiculous leads the way to you feeling more joyful no matter what comes your way.

RED FLAG: Hold space for your perceived failures as well as those of others. We are all on a learning journey of the divine universal and individual truth.

SWEET SPOT: A housing situation that has caused either you or a loved one a lot of pain this year will come to a smooth finish by late October.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes!

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