Consequences & Repercussions: Phoenix Suns-Mercury Owner Robert Sarver Suspended For 1 Year And Fined $10 Million For Egregious Workplace Violations

Consequences & Repercussions: Phoenix Suns-Mercury Owner Robert Sarver Suspended For 1 Year And Fined  Million For Egregious Workplace Violations

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WNBA Finals - Game Two

Source: Christian Petersen / Getty

The billionaire owners of these professional franchises STAY embroiled in some nasty, nasty stuff and once again the NBA has had to put the smack down on one of them.

According to ESPN, Robert Sarver, owner of the Phoenix Suns and the WNBA’s Mercury, has been suspended from all league activities for a period of one year and has been fined $10 million after being investigated for some very ugly accusations.

The NBA found that Sarver had used the n-word at least five times “when recounting the statements of others”. Four of those times were after he wast told by both Black and white employees not to use the word. Sarver also regularly made sex-related comments in front of women on staff and engaged in misogynistic practices.

Despite his “acceptance” of his punishment, Sarver still released a statement that pushed back against the league’s findings. Via Yahoo! Sports:

Good leadership requires accountability,” Sarver said in a statement Tuesday. “For the Suns and Mercury organizations, that begins with me. While I disagree with some of the particulars of the NBA’s report, I would like to apologize for my words and actions that offended our employees. I take full responsibility for what I have done. I am sorry for causing this pain, and these errors in judgment are not consistent with my personal philosophy or my values.

F**k Robert Sarver.

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