Despite the perception of being blackballed, Mo’Nique and her husband Sidney Hicks feel as if they are winning, because they’re sticking to their guns and their integrity. Mo’Nique’s career has slowed because of her insistence upon being treated fairly, and some years later she’s getting some external validation – not that she needed it.
A judge recently ruled that her discrimination lawsuit against Netflix can move forward, a major win for the actress and many others potentially.
Mo’Nique had claimed Netflix discriminated against her on the basis of her race and gender when they offered to pay her $500,000 in 2018 for a comedy special, a fraction of the tens of millions of dollars Netflix paid for specials from other comedians including Amy Schumer, Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. Mo’Nique further alleges Netflix retaliated against her when she complained about the “discriminatory low-ball offer” by refusing to negotiate fair pay with her.
Her being “blackballed” also stems from her staunch insistence as to the people who particularly are responsible for her own specific complaints, who just happen to be 3 of entertainment’s biggest names, Black or otherwise. Mo’Nique has called out Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels and has added Whoopi Goldberg to the list, of Black celebrities that only are interested in protecting themselves, their money and their access to the elite.
The couple appeared recently on Out Loud with Claudia Jordan and shared a story in which fellow actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg gave Mo’Nique some disheartening advice around the time of her ordeal around the Precious movie and it’s only further empowered Mo’Nique.
Whoopi had been trying to counsel Mo’Nique on what had been happening to her at the time with her allegations towards Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey – and how the industry had blackballed her in return.
Mo’Nique said that Whoopi told her “It’s your husband, you gotta get rid of your husband.”
“My husband negotiated the biggest deals I’ve had in my career,” Mo’Nique said she told the host of The View. Whoopi still pressed on, ultimately trying to tell Mo’Nique that she couldn’t win against “the machine,” telling her “Listen, you better stop worrying about that little girl coming behind you. And you better worry about you.”
However, that’s not Mo’Nique’s philosophy, and she said to Claudia Jordan, “And at that moment, I knew Whoopi Goldberg wasn’t worried about me, because I’m the little girl coming behind her.”
Hicks also pointed out how he believes that Mo’Nique and these people clash because they have a different philosophy when it comes to the business. Hicks noted how he believed that people like Mo’Nique put the people over the money, while some other place priority on the money over the people.
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In a seeming confirmation of this bias, Mo’Nique reiterated a story that leaked a few years ago of a recording of a phone call with Tyler Perry, in which he made some damning admissions – and offers.
“First, he wanted to pay me $500,000 for this to go away,” Mo’Nique said. “Tyler Perry, keep your money, just clear my name,” the actress made one last appeal to the camera to ask the mogul again. The request came because instead of simply letting the world know the truth Tyler spoke to her in private over the phone to the public, he’s offered instead to pay her.
Hear the original phone call in which Tyler Perry offers her the money below.
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