Protest erupt in Portland after police fatally shot of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr.

Protest erupt in Portland after police fatally shot of 21-year-old Black man, Kevin Peterson Jr.

VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) — Tensions boiled over into unrest late Friday following a vigil for a Black man shot and killed by law enforcement in a city near Portland, Oregon, in southwestern Washington state. Mourners gathered in Hazel Dell, an…

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TSR Issa Battle: Which One Of These HBCU Bands Hit The Hardest? (Videos)

TSR Issa Battle: Which One Of These HBCU Bands Hit The Hardest? (Videos)

#TSRHBCUuuuKnow: One part of the homecoming experience that is solely exclusive to only #HBCUs is the band. The sound, energy, and the overall culture, you won’t find anything else like it. If you went to a SWAC school like THEE #JacksonStateUniversity or…

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