White men must be stopped.
Georgia Senator David Perdue is a really piece of s#!t. Yesterday, while kissing the orange a$$ of his zaddy-in-chief Donald Trump at a KKKampaign rally in the peach state, Perdue played to a racist crowd of MAGAs in a bigoted effort to extract a laugh track. When speaking about Vice Presidential candidate and senate colleague Kamala Harris, Perdue purposefully butchered her name in an attempt to “other” her in front a giggling pack of apathetic anglo-saxons.
“Ka-MAL-a, KAH-MAL-a or Kamala, Kemala, Ka-mala-mala-mala, I don’t know, whatever.”
Yeah, this guy is an elected public official talking like he just left the 1921 race massacre in Tulsa. These are the types of people who get all of 45’s love and admiration.
According to CNN, both Senate candidate Jon Ossoff and Democratic Party of Georgia Chairwoman Nikema Williams all sounded off in response to Perdue’s ugly attack
Ossoff quickly criticized Perdue for the remark, writing in a series of tweets, “My opponent, GOP Sen. David Perdue of anti-Semitic attack ad infamy, just mocked Sen. Harris’ name as ‘Kamala-mala-mala-whatever’ at a Trump rally. We are so much better than this.”
Point taken, Jonny-boy but we’re not quite sure that Amerikkka is “so much better than this”.
“Senator Perdue’s intentionally disrespectful mispronunciation of Senator Harris’s name is a bigoted and racist tactic straight from President Trump’s handbook. He owes Georgians an apology for his offensive display,” said Democratic Party of Georgia Chairwoman Nikema Williams.
Perdue’s people didn’t even really bother to do any damage control and Senator Harris’ press secretary Sabrina Singh had to check that a$$ one time.
Please vote these mayo jars out of office.
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