Black Siblings From DC Create Travel Book and Animation Series For Kids During Homeschooling

Black Siblings From DC Create Travel Book and Animation Series For Kids During Homeschooling

Sibling writers of the Fennell Adventures book series

Washington, DC — Jennaye Fennell, a single Black mother and educator, and her 3 entrepreneurial children are the creators of Fennell Adventures, a collection of unique travel books for kids. 16-year old Jiyah, 12-year old Jace, and 11-year old Merl are the talented writers of the series. They believe that there is no reason for families to be held back from traveling within their imagination during COVID-19 or for children to be reading boring books while quarantining at home.

Initial travel thought

One day while in college at the University of Delaware, the professor asked, “Who has traveled?” Jennaye was an inner-city child who had only traveled to Disney World once. She watched all of her Caucasian classmates describe all of their extraordinary destinations and vowed to make a change with her own children.

Travel Bug Addiction

Years later when Jiyah was just 4 years old and Jace was a baby, Jennaye took them to the happiest place on earth, Disney World. The family had so much fun and created so many memories they returned twice within the next 6 months. Soon followed by a cruise to the Caribbean Islands and various places such as Hawaii, Spain, Alaska, and now 31 states. As the family traveled, the kids noticed something. Merl asked, “Mom, how come there are not many black people on the trips we go on?” This is one of the reasons at 9 years old, Jace started writing travel books.

Jiyah, Jace, and Merl want kids to enjoy reading and to be exposed to different places beyond where they live. By writing books for kids by kids about black family travel, the Fennell’s are changing the narrative. They are fully aware of how traveling and reading can enrich one’s life, especially children. The Fennell family has a goal to complete all 50 states and will write books and create animations to capture their adventures to uplift and inspire others.


Currently, there are 5 travel books in the Fennell Adventures series and 1 animation on their YouTube channel. The books are: Journey through Hawaii with Jace, Journey through Texas with Merl, Journey through New Orleans with Merl, Journey through Cuba with Jace, and Journey through Atlanta with Jiyah.

All of the books will help your child learn and travel while being homeschooled during COVID. Your child can learn about culture, geography, language, food, and learning concepts while choosing the order of each book. Each book is unique because the reader decides the path and can be read over 25 different ways.

Jiyah, Jace, and Merl want to expand the selection in the series to include the Midwest, Orlando, and the DMV area. With contributions to their Kickstarter campaign, children all over the country can travel and learn at home during virtual learning. They will also be able to watch the Fennell Adventures brand new animation series.

To support the Kickstarter campaign, visit

For press inquiries, contact Jennaye Fennell at or 678-865-3611

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