Fighting For The Breast Cancer Care You Need During COVID-19

Fighting For The Breast Cancer Care You Need During COVID-19
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The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new challenge for those battling breast cancer today. This hydra-headed challenge manifests across issues relating to equity, advocacy, and access to care for cancer patients as the pandemic rages.

Chemotherapy – for all its effectiveness in combating cancer – unfortunately, suppresses the immunity of the patient. Generally designed to inhibit the aggressive growth of cancerous cells, chemotherapy could eventually handicap the patient’s immune response, as seen in its impact on their red and white blood cell count.

You will, therefore, agree that cancer patients face even higher risks from the pandemic. Sad, isn’t it?

Well, the reality is that the pandemic has sparked a structural overhaul not only in society but also in the healthcare system.  Many treatment algorithms and previously established medical traditions are helplessly morphing in adaptation to the disruptions triggered by the virus.

It is definitely not heartwarming to see the swathes of COVID patients strewn across hospitals today, extensively stressing the system.  Come on, there was no way cancer patients weren’t going to be affected.

With an exponentially hectic schedule, healthcare providers have been forced to reschedule critical treatment procedures for patients like surgery, sometimes repeatedly. You guessed right! This comes with an alarming possibility of derailing the treatment’s progression.

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