In the letter shared by Washington Post reporter Matt Viser on Twitter said the group acknowledged the criticism Black women in politics face.
“Was Joe Biden ever labeled ‘too ambitious’ because he ran for president three times?” the letter asked. “Should President Obama not have made him the VP because he had to worry about his ‘loyalty’ when he clearly had AMBITIONS to be president himself? Why does Senator Kamala Harris have to show remorse for questioning Biden’s previous stance on integrated busing during a democratic primary debate?”
“Have Democratic Party leaders, allies, or donors ever required Joe Biden to show remorse for the 1986 or 1988 Anti Drug Abuse bills, which established mandatory minimum sentencing and subsequently crack-cocaine sentencing disparities, and by his own admission, led to mass incarceration? What about the 1994 Crime Bill? Let’s be clear about the kind of remorse and reckoning that matters in 2020 when the Black community is still suffering the consequences for these oppressive measures,” the letter said.
“So, Black women are the only ones required to stay in their place and to show remorse for even questioning their own oppression?” the letter added. During a livestream conversation for the Black Girls Lead 2020 conference, Harris responded to comments regrading her potential candidacy saying, “there will be people who say to you, ‘you are out of your lane.’ “They are burdened by only having the capacity to see what has always been instead of what can be. But don’t you let that burden you,” CNN reported.
The letter went on to threatened Biden’s electoral prospects if he doesn’t select a Black woman as his running mate.
“For too long Black women have been asked to do everything from rally the troops to risk their lives for the Democratic Party with no acknowledgment, no respect, no visibility, and certainly not enough support,” the letter declared.
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