‘Shame On All Of You’: Widow Uses Obituary To Blame Trump & Gov. Abbott After Losing Her Husband To COVID-19

‘Shame On All Of You’: Widow Uses Obituary To Blame Trump & Gov. Abbott After Losing Her Husband To COVID-19
President Donald J. Trump...

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

The way Donald Trump has handled–or rather, not handled–the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. With the United States accumulating 160,000 deaths related to COVID-19, every day there’s a new, heartbreaking story from people across the country who have needlessly lost their loved ones.

Widow Stacey Nagy is one of those Americans who lost a loved one to COVID-19, making headlines for the obituary she published with her local paper, the Jefferson Jimplecute, following her husband’s death on July 22.

Nagy’s husband David died from COVID-19 in the ICU at Christus Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview, Texas. In the obituary, instead of simply focusing on the life she had with David, she makes a point of blaming Donald Trump and Gov. Greg Abbott for her husband’s death.

“David’s death was needless,” Nagy wrote in the obituary, which she later posted to Facebook. “The blame for his death and the deaths of all the other innocent people, falls on Trump, Abbott and all the other politicians who did not take this pandemic seriously and were more concerned with their popularity and votes than lives.”

Stacey continued, criticizing those who complain about a simple task like wearing a mask. Calling them, “the many ignorant, self centered and selfish people who refused to follow the advice of the medical professionals, believing their ‘right’ not to wear a mask was more important than killing innocent people.”

Following the obituary being published, Nagy told Snopes she was glad her story ended up gathering so much attention.

“It gets me so angry that people aren’t taking this seriously. It’s almost like they’re saying, ‘Who cares about the older people?’ I’ve been with my husband for 20 years and all of a sudden he’s gone. People should know how this makes others feel.”

Gov. Abbott was one of the first governors to reopen a state following COVID-19 Stay-At-Home orders. Now, Texas is nearing 8,000 COVID-19 deaths.

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