The New York Police Department recently released new training videos. However, one of the NYPD’s officers has gone viral after he recorded a video mocking the new tactics.
Activist and comedian DL Hughley shared the video on his Instagram page last week showing the officer mimicking the new training videos and explaining what he claims is the proper way to detain a suspect. Another officer who isn’t captured in the video was heard laughing and egging the officer on.
“I’ve been studying these tactical videos they got us watching and I’m ready,” the officer says. He then proceeded to pretend to ask permission to arrest someone who’d shot two people.
“Hello, sir, you are under arrest,” he said to a hypothetical alleged suspect. “You know what, maybe we’re just detaining you. We’re not sure.”
The officer also suggested methods he could make the potential suspect more comfortable. The officer proceeds to tell the pretend perp he and his partner were going to “approach you and tap you on the shoulder. And, hopefully, slide your arm to the back.”
“What? That’s a little uncomfortable? We’re gonna use several cuffs to make sure your arms stay in the position you want them to be” he continued. The officer would later call for fairy tale backup and suggested they bring some mats to place on the ground for the suspect.
“The ground is too hard? We got the mats coming for you,” the officer said. The officer then took a jab at the prospect of being under more supervision.
“You may not be under arrest. I’m not sure. I have a supervisor coming who is gonna supervise me and he’ll be supervised by a supervisor who supervises the supervisor. And we’re all gonna sit here and watch you tell us what to do.”
In the end of the video, he asked the imaginary suspect his name, and the answer was “suck your d**k.”
“There’s a lot of people out here with that name,” the officer said. The NYPD released a new tactical training video on July 3 according to New York Daily News. One of the videos showed an officer showing multiple illegal moves that would restrict or apply pressure to a person’s diaphragm.
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