We love us some Saweetie who reigns as the baddest baddie in the game with a lovable personality, growing collection of bops and hilariously monstrous appetite for delicious eats that she gleefully murders on social media in front of millions of fans (and dedicated haters).
A proud lover of crab legs (and anything else she can get her pretty fingers on), Saweetie is one of a view beautiful women (on Earth) who still slays while stuffing her face with drool-worthy food in some of the greediest moments you’ll ever see.
Whew, what a woman who earned all the love she’s getting across an industry filled with inauthentic robots who would never be comfortable stuffing their face with crab meat on IG Live like our greedy Bay area princess.
Hit the flip for greedy Saweetie’s hottest face-stuffing moments (so far).
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