COVID-19 Response Program for Liver Patients

COVID-19 Response Program for Liver Patients

Join the COVID-19 Response Program for liver patients. Information below:

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JOIN the COVID-19 Response Program for Liver Patients

Throughout these past many months, we have all been working to stay safe, healthy, and up to date on all things COVID-19 related. The GLI team has been actively engaging with fellow advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, and liver patients to learn and understand COVID-19 and how it impacts our health and our daily lives. We have been staying connected and educated through our weekly GLI Live events, our medical updates, and our dedicated account for individual responses [email protected]. Please subscribe to access all elements of our personalized response program.

As the information around COVID-19 has evolved so rapidly since our 1st update in March, this week, we wanted to provide an update on COVID-19 by highlighting and answering some of the most pertinent questions that you may be having.

1. As a liver patient, am I at a higher risk of infection?

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