D.C. Mayor Sued For Painting “Black Lives Matter” On The Street

D.C. Mayor Sued For Painting “Black Lives Matter” On The Street

Unfortunately, two groups-who reportedly call themselves activists- are suing D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. Apparently the “Black Lives Matter” message that was painted on the street towards The White House wasn’t well received.

According to WJLA, “Warriors for Christ” and “Special Forces of Liberty” say the Black Lives Matter organization is a “cult for secular humanism” and say D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s designation of the area equates to endorsing a religion.”

The groups call for the mural to be removed, and also want other signs to be posted “at different intervals for the same duration in the same manner, scale and magnitude” everyday “Black Lives Matter” is displayed..

The other murals would read, “All Lives Matter,” as well as “Blue Lives Matter” for police and “Green Lives Matter” for National Guardsmen, also according to WJLA.

Bowser also changed the name of the street to Black Lives Matter Plaza, but they aren’t too happy about that. The groups also request that the name of the plaza is changed “to something secular, or to alternatively rename a comparable street to ‘Jesus is the answer Plaza.’”

While others were happy about the mural, Donnie took to Twitter to express his disdain and called Bowser “incompetent. He also insisted that her budget was fiscally slim and that she kept coming to them (the White House) for “handouts.”

This comes after a series of protests took place, after the death of George Floyd–an unarmed Black man who was killed by the Minneapolis Police Department, after an officer kneeled on his neck. People in all 50 states and reportedly the 18 other countries demanded justice not only for him but for Black people all over.

As a result, Derek Chauvin and the three other officers were arrested and charged for Floyd’s murder. They’re charges range from second-degree murder for Chauvin to aiding and abetting second-degree murder for the other officers, who were the acting officers, during the time of the tragic incident.

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