That’s more like it: Cop removes officer’s knee from protester’s neck (video)

That’s more like it: Cop removes officer’s knee from protester’s neck (video)

Police and protesters collide in Seattle. (Image source: Twitter – @mattmillsphoto)

As numerous demonstrations were held across America in recent days, one officer illustrated what most believe is appropriate and corrective behavior when a fellow cop steps over the line while executing his duties.

In Seattle, a local police officer used his knee to pin down a suspect arrested for allegedly looting nearby establishments, TMZ reports. One officer placed his knee on the man’s neck, which incited loud outcries from onlookers at the protest.

The reason for the protest in the first place is that many believe George Floyd died on Monday, May 25, 2020, when ex-Minneapolis cop Derek Clauvin kept his knee on the unarmed Black man’s neck for several minutes. The people at the protest rally in Seattle did not want to see the same thing happen there.

“Get your f—ing knee off his neck,” one of the bystanders shouted repeatedly. After about eight seconds, another officer who participated in the arrest physically removed the cop’s knee from the man’s neck and placed it on the suspect’s back.

Journalist Matt McKnight said officers were apprehending folks for alleged vandalism and looting of nearby stores while the legitimate protests were going on.

The Seattle Police Department did not return repeated inquires for comments on the video. But, in another video below, an officer even used his knee to give the head of another arrested suspect a place to rest.

If only these methods were on display in Minneapolis on Memorial Day.

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