MORE Hilariously Petty Reactions To Molly Mollying At Issa’s Block Party

MORE Hilariously Petty Reactions To Molly Mollying At Issa’s Block Party

Everyone’s STILL buzzing over the latest shenanigan-filled episode of “Insecure” where toxic BFFs Molly & Issa finally fought–like, ARGUED argued–in a genuinely baffling moment that made everybody hate Molly even more.

It was yet another case of Molly Mollying at the worst possible time (ISSA’s BIG EVENT?? REALLY???) after discovering that Issa went through Andrew to book a replacement headliner WHO SHE REFUSED TO HELP BOOK.

And yes, we did like Molly many, many episodes ago but she definitely showed her true colors during the spicy argument where she talked down on Issa, claimed to regret not dropping her earlier and killed any of chance of reconciliation (for now) during the most entertaining episode of the season (so far).

Hit the flip for MORE hilariously petty reactions to Molly Mollying at Issa’s block party.

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