Jason Whitlock is trash, been trash, always gonna be trash. It’s in his DNA. Literally. He can’t help himself from being trash any more than he can help himself from consuming high fructose corn syrup. We’re actually shocked that he still has both his feet.
Anyway, you may have seen ol’ wide-angle Whittie trending late last night and probably thought to yourself “what the hell this ni**a say now?” We’ll show you what he said, but first here’s LeBron’s social media post.
Lebron posted the same message to Twitter and this was Whitlock’s quote retweet reply:
This isn’t helpful. It’s twitter trolling. It’s using this man’s tragedy to build a brand as more outspoken than Michael Jordan. There are all kinds of ways to draw attention to this tragedy. Suggesting that we are hunted everyday/every time is just s**t-stirring.
Whitlock shucks-and-jives so much for white conservative benefactors that he should have a viral Tik Tok dance by now.
You’d think someone who stirs as much runny diarrhea as this self-hating hemorrhoid would know the difference between a sincere message of shock and horror and opportunism, but that would be giving him credit for self-awareness and…naw.
To say that the reactions to Mr. “Sir, You Can’t Ride This Ride’s” latest atrocious take are scathing would be an understatement.
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