In White Folks News: Madonna Says She’s Tested Positive For Coronavirus Antibodies And Will “Breathe COVID-19 Air”

In White Folks News: Madonna Says She’s Tested Positive For Coronavirus Antibodies And Will “Breathe COVID-19 Air”
Milano 2009. Madonna in Concert

Source: Marka / Getty

Madonna has always been a weirdo but this is getting outta control.

The Material Girl took to Instagram recently to upload her latest edition of the “Quarantine Diaries” she’s been posting to her story. In episode No. 14, the 61-year-old “reveals” that she has tested positive for the coronavirus antibodies and thus will step out into the world and “breathe the COVID-19 air”.

“Took a test the other day and I found out that I have the antibodies. So tomorrow I’m just going to go for a long drive in a car, and I’m gonna roll down the window and I’m gonna breathe in — I’m gonna breathe in the COVID-19 air.”

Hey, Madge, let us know how that works out for you…

Just so we’re clear, the CDC has NOT confirmed whether or not the antibodies will actually create an immunity to the potentially fatal disease. So, yeah, roll the dice at your peril and the peril of others.

Here’s what someone “close to Madonna’s camp” told the folks at PageSix about this irresponsible “art”:

“This is clearly performance art. Look at the set, the lighting, the poetry she cites. It is not meant to be literal,” a source close to Madonna’s camp told PageSix on Friday.

“It is meant to be viewed alongside all 14 videos she’s posted during the pandemic. Madonna has always been a great provocateur and spoken her mind. This isn’t her being crazy, it is a reflection and a comment on current society.”

Apparently, even the people who work for Madonna are exactly comfortable with her rhetoric or her erratic behavior.

“I worshipped her, we all did,” said someone who has worked with Madonna in recent years. “I still do, but I’m disappointed. It’s like she’s selling out to keep getting attention and she doesn’t know how weird she’s coming off. I keep hoping she’ll snap out of it.”

This broad is buggin’ tf out.

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