Carrot Bacon Recipe Goes Viral with 12 Million Views!

Carrot Bacon Recipe Goes Viral with 12 Million Views!


(Photo credit: @iamtabithabrown IG)

There are a number of varieties of bacon out right now. You’ve got turkey bacon (yum!), Canadian bacon, thick cut bacon, smoked maplewood bacon, and of course you have your good ol’ bacon bacon, lol. But I have never heard of nor would I ever want to taste anything called “carrot bacon.”

Until now, that is. I want some!

With over 12.7 million views and 2.7 million likes, vegan cook Tabitha Brown’s TikTok recipe video has gone viral for one of her latest creations, carrot bacon.

Now, all you bacon lovers out there, I know what you’re thinking: “There is no way in H*LL this can be good. There’s no way this could ever replace the saltiness, crunch and pure joy I get from eating my pork bacon.”

Well, think again, my friends.

Brown’s recipe has been able to simply capture all the flavor of bacon while cutting out all of the harmful fat that is usually associated with it. Don’t believe me? Check out her video below:

Brown went vegan after watching the Netflix documentary What The Health, but it also helped curb her chronic pain.

She reminds me of one of your aunties, the cool auntie–you know the one. The one who’s jazzy, a little quirky, but she makes so much sense and who you can tell all your secrets too that you can’t tell your mama. Yep, that one.

She tells it like it is, smiles and says…

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