‘He’s Been in There Doing His Time’: Tiny Harris and Shekinah Anderson Think Bill Cosby Should Be Put on House Arrest

‘He’s Been in There Doing His Time’: Tiny Harris and Shekinah Anderson Think Bill Cosby Should Be Put on House Arrest

Tiny Harris and Shekinah Jo Anderson made their stances on Bill Cosby crystal clear during an episode of their podcast, “The Tiny Jo Show,” revealing that they both feel the embattled actor should be released from prison in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The co-hosts shared their opinions regarding rumors that Cosby’s prison sentence could be converted to a home arrest, in an effort to clear prisoners out of the facilities to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. “I f*cking love it,” replied Tiny when asked how she feels about the possibility of the 82-year-old coming home.

Tiny Harris Shekinah AndersonTiny (right) and Shekinah (left) discuss Bill Cosby on “The Tiny Jo Show.” Photo: The Tiny Jo Show/YouTube

“No disrespect to the women that were involved, I just feel like Bill [Cosby] is older, and he’s been in there doing his time,” she explained. “I’m not sure how much time he did.”

“I think it’s f*cked up that you women did that to Bill,” stated Anderson, when Tiny asked how she felt about Cosby. “‘’Cause nine times out of ten, real talk, y’all was trying to f*ck y’all way to to the top.”

During the conversation, Anderson passionately expressed her thoughts on what many have believed to be the unfair treatment of Cosby throughout his legal ordeals, implying that she believed not all the victims’ stories were true because some people will do anything for fame. “You know how bad people want fame and want to be a celebrity these days? They’ll do anything for a role,” she argued.

Harris remained more impartial, agreeing that Cosby should come home, but also acknowledging that we don’t know all the facts, and should be wary of victim-blaming. “I feel like that’s not fair,” she replied. “We know that goes on, but that’s not fair to do to the victims because we don’t really know they story.”

Bill Cosby said he won’t show remorse over his 2018 sexual assault conviction. (Photo: Pool/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

The disgraced comedian has been serving his 3-to-10-year prison sentence at SCI-Phoenix in the suburbs of Philadelphia after being convicted on three counts of aggravated indecent assault in 2018. Almost 60 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault, drugging them, or both, and he has maintained his innocence throughout.

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