#Married2Med Messiness: Dr. Heavenly Sends Some Social Distanced Shade To Toya

#Married2Med Messiness: Dr. Heavenly Sends Some Social Distanced Shade To Toya
Heavenly Kimes/Toya Bush Harris

Source: Kathy Boos/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank / Getty

The stars of “Married To Medicine” might be social distancing but they’re still sending some digital shade. Dr. Heavenly Kimes whose known for being hilariously petty dropped yet another one of her YouTube clips and this one was titled, “Not at work sitting In my closet with nothing to do!” In it, she fielded fan questions and dispelled rumors about the upcoming new season.

According to Dr. Heavenly, Dr. Jackie Walters will be back on the show—but newbie Buffie Purselle might not be back for another season. Things got especially interesting however when Dr. Heavenly threw some shade her fellow castmate Toya Bush-Harris’ way.

According to Heavenly, she’s absolutely befuddled about what to do all day since she closed her dental practice amid coronavirus concerns. With that in mind, she’s considering calling Toya for some advice, ya know considering that she “doesn’t have a job.”

“I’m sitting here and it’s the coronavirus, my office is closed. I’m sitting here and I ain’t got s*** to do…,” said Heavenly. “I ain’t got nothing to do. Toya, what do you do when you don’t have no job, you just sit at home living the life of luxury. What do you do when you don’t have s*** to do?! Toya, please let me know baby.


Heavenly’s since told fans that was just a little fun shade, so no harm no foul.

Watch Dr. Heavenly’s full live below.

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