Coronavirus Update: Trump Announces National State Of Emergency [Live Stream Video]

Coronavirus Update: Trump Announces National State Of Emergency [Live Stream Video]
President Donald J. Trump...

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Donald Trump is announcing a national state of emergency.

The coronavirus has hit America hard and with very little testing and resources its time for the federal government to finally take this seriously.

Peep the live stream below.

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One of the biggest things that comes along with a national state of emergency is the release of federal funds. According to the AJC, the goal is to use that money to get as many tests as possible and build a fund to guarantee sick pay for those missing work due to coronvirus.

We have little to no faith in Trump’s ability to get things done properly but we hope that those who have been affected are able to get this money and millions of Americans can get tested to prevent further spread.

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