Source: Walter McBride / Getty
The Golden Globes entered some strange territory last night and it wasn’t because of the usual Hollywood eccentricities.
Nope, this time, it was because of Tom Hanks‘ son.
Chet Hanks did some sort of media drop on the red carpet, shouting out his father who received the Cecil B. DeMille Award that night. This was all fine and well, but for some reason, Chet felt like he needed to use Patois to get his point across. He even reposted the video to his own Instagram account.
Questions that need answers.
This isn’t the first time Chet has unabashedly appropriated culture or language. The actor, formerly known as the rapper Chet Haze, once defended his use of the N-word back in 2015. According to The Los Angeles Times, he said the N-word “unifies the culture of hip-hop across all races.” He also claimed, “I do say the n-word in real life amongst my Black friends who get me and can’t nobody tell me I can’t say what the [expletive] I feel like no disrespect to the struggle of Black ppl during the civil rights movement but it’s 2015 now.”
Chet later explained his comments in 2018, saying they were due to drugs and trolling. In an interview with Van Lathan‘s “Red Pill” podcast, Chet said he was cool with saying the N-word because he was on a lot of drugs. He continued, “I wanted to be, like, down, you know what I mean? I just felt like I wasn’t enough.” In another section of the episode, he said, “Low-key, like subconsciously, looking back on it now I realize I was trolling. I thought, like, crazy antics and just wilding the f*ck out and doing some crazy sh*t was going to like spark my career.”
It’s possible drugs could still be at play with his Golden Globe antics…or some really bad trolling.
Check out social media’s reaction to Chet’s fake Jamaican accent below.
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