Malevolent Mayo: Wyoming High School Students Dress In Ku Klux Klan Robes For “White Out” Spirit Day

Malevolent Mayo: Wyoming High School Students Dress In Ku Klux Klan Robes For “White Out” Spirit Day
Ku Klux Klansmen

Source: Hulton Deutsch / Getty

White Wyoming High School School Student Dress In KKK Robes

Two white kids at a Wyoming high school thought it hilarious to dress in KKK robes for their school’s “white out” spirit day.

According to NYDailyNews, the unidentified Riverton High School students wore robes and pointy hoods while carrying a cross and an American flag.

Word is that both boys were “disciplined” but the school would not reveal their punishment.

There are gaslighting soup cookies in the comments arguing that these “costumes” aren’t actually Klan gear:

i don’t quite understand people would just hop onto facebook and start ranting without at least considering what the students initially came to school as. they weren’t intending to be racist. they were catholic priests for WHITE OUT DAY.

This person is a moron and these kids are even dumber.

A good punishment would be to take those kids down to Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (we don’t care HOW white Wyoming is, there is probably a MLK Jr. Blvd. because there’s one in damn near every state in America) and walk around for 15 minutes. Bet they’d learn their lesson then…

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