Murder Money: L.A. City Council Settles Lawsuit With Ezell Ford’s Family For $1.5 Million After Unarmed Black Man Killed

Murder Money: L.A. City Council Settles Lawsuit With Ezell Ford’s Family For .5 Million After Unarmed Black Man Killed

Source: ROBYN BECK / Getty

Ezell Ford’s Family Settles Wrongful Death Lawsuit With LAPD For $1.5 Million

Ezell Ford was gunned down by LAPD back in 2014 while walking down the street unarmed.

Today, according to the Spring Hill Insider, the Los Angeles City Council has approved measures to settle their lawsuit with Ezell’s family for $1.5 million.

Ezell Ford‘s family filed a wrongful death and civil rights lawsuit in March 2015, claiming that Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Officers Sharlton Wampler and Antonio Villegas “intentionally and/or negligently fatally shot unarmed decedent Ezell Ford multiple times with their firearm” after he had followed their directions to lie on the ground during an in South Los Angeles on August 11, 2014.

Ford suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression, but was said to have been fully compliant and laying on the ground when he was shot multiple times but officers Wampler and Villegas.

This $1.5 million settlement is paltry and insufficient in comparison to the life that the Ford family lost that day. We hope they have found true solace and some level of peace despite this monetary award.

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