Voter Playlist: 10 Songs That’ll Get You In The Mood To Vote This Election

Voter Playlist: 10 Songs That’ll Get You In The Mood To Vote This Election

U.S. Citizens Head To The Polls To Vote In Presidential Election

Source: Jeff Swensen / Getty

The time has arrived, Ladies and Gentlemen. Tuesday, November 5th is the day to exercise your right as an American and cast your vote which could potentially change the current state of the country. When it comes to people of color, women and other minorities, this elections is our chance to shift the way America has been running itself for hundreds of years.

We’ve watched Cheeto — er. Trump — disrespect and ostracize many people over the last three years, including African American women. That’s why it’s imperative that women as a whole, but specifically Black women, hit the polls today to change the narrative that has been placed on sistas.

Let’s face it, voting can be tedious and boring. But like most boring things, it has to be done. So we’ve put together a playlist of songs that can help you through the process. OH and just in case you’re considering not casting a vote this year, think about what happened the last time you didn’t vote.

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